Browning Legia Spray 750ml


Legia Spray is the ideal product for the maintenance and protection of precision gears. Being moisture remover, Legia Spray cleans, lubricates and protects firearms. It is the product selected by the best gunsmiths. Vaporize Legia Spray on the barrels and action, wait for 5 minutes then merely wipe up with a flannelette.

Ideal for loosening locked and seized parts, it will penetrate into all areas and the vapour phase and contact inhibitors will act to protect anywhere air can penetrate.

48 in stock

Quantity Discount

2£5.00 OFF
3£8.00 OFF
4£12.00 OFF
5£16.00 OFF
6£20.00 OFF
7£24.00 OFF
8£28.00 OFF

*Quantity refers to discounted items (products with discount) total quantity on cart.

SKU: BROWNLE750 Category:



Legia Spray – Red (for Metal Wood and Plastic) – 750ml.


Legia Spray is the ideal product for the maintenance and protection of precision gears. Being moisture remover, Legia Spray cleans, lubricates and protects firearms. It is the product selected by the best gunsmiths. Vaporize Legia Spray on the barrels and action, wait for 5 minutes then merely wipe up with a flannelette.


Ideal for loosening locked and seized parts, it will penetrate into all areas and the vapour phase and contact inhibitors will act to protect anywhere air can penetrate.







Additional information

Weight 650 g

Browning Legia




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